Monday, January 5, 2009

Movies and Pictures

More Christmas pictures. Good looking people all dressed up and having a good time.

Bob and I went to see Body of Lies last night. I found it at the dollar movie. Simply awful. I came home and read the reviews again. Good reviews. Who are these reviewers? This show was a mismash with violence. By the end of this very long movie I was hoping they'd blow everyone up and we could applaud and leave. Remember I told you about James Randall and friends getting up and walking out of a movie over the holidays? Bob and I don't do that, just sit and hope. I will even read to the end a boring book - hoping. Years ago when Belle de Jour with Catherine ??? the beautiful French actress was rereleased we went, it was awful almost from the opening credits, but we didn't leave. I remember Marilyn told me she and Butch did get up and leave. Ridley Scott directed Body of Lies. I'm not giving up on him.

Speaking of books, did I mention the books Cynthia loaned me? Simply terrific. Fell in love with the first book and she dropped off book 2 and 3 for me this Saturday. Book 2 is - Lost in a Good Book, by Jasper Fforde. Our heroine, Thurday Next, is one of my favorites.

Prehaps some garden news since this is East Dallas Art Gardens? The Forest Hills Garden Club will be meeting at my house this Thursday. It's our holiday gift exchange. A fun time will be had. I've decided if I don't get the Christmas decorations down this week I can say I wanted the house to be festive for the Garden Club party. Sounds like a plan to me. We're having freezing rain today after very warm weekend days. Maybe I could spend that time putting Christmas away.

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