Friday, January 16, 2009

Alfred Hichkock's The Birds

Went to my aunt's the other day. Her back yard is a scene from the movie, "The Birds". She and her husband have several feeders and only one little birdbath. She needed another birdbath, especially one I've jazzed up. They can always put food in this wide bowl. Their cats and two dogs are dive bombed when they go outside. Some of the birds could pick up her smallest cat and fly away. I'm serious, those black birds remind me of the giant ravens at the Tower of London. English ravens look you in the eye and you know they are thinking - LUNCH! The ravens probably drag off a tourist every couple of days and munch until the buzzards insist it's their turn. You think when you see all those ravens on the Tower's lawn cackling they are just visiting? No, the ravens are conferencing and the subject is which tourist looks juciest. The Beefeaters are too scared to turn them in or are in cahoots with the ravens. Someone has to dump tourist bones in the moat.

Thank goodness I'm not paranoid or I'd really start to worry about the birds in my aunts back yard.

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