Sunday, June 8, 2008

James Randall's Birthday

Today is James Randall's 20th birthday.  I remember Bob's Mom saying to me in the hospital, "Don't blink, or he will be gone."  Didn't think I blinked, but.  

Last night when Bob and I got home from Billy Bob's around midnight, Randall was home with his two dear friends, Caitlan and Christy.  I asked them to go on the BlackJack walk for old time's sake.  They said yes.  

The summer Randall turned 16 and was driving, he had an 11:00 curfew.  Since most of his friends didn't, they ended up at our house and we all went on the Blue Dog walk.  Neighborhood patrol named us the "walking gang".  Later that summer, Blue started to have disc problems.  We were clueless.  Blue started to lay down in the street to rest.  Then a few blocks from home he would lay down and not get up.  Randall, Derek or another friend would end up carrying him the rest of the way.  To the vet's and on to the wheelchair.  Randall and his friends had so much compassion for this wonderful dog as he learned to use his wheelchair and for almost two years we continued Blue Dog's walk/roll every night. 

Our Blue Dog and now BlackJack walks with Randall and his friends, Randall, Bob and me and now mostly Bob and me every night have been the best memories.  Even now I bring my phone and I call Randall every night during the BlackJack walk.  Sometimes he answers, sometimes not.  Randall's a busy college student.   Bob, BlackJack and I just want him to know we are always thinking of him on our nightly ritual.  Can't find a picture of Randall or BlackJack, but here's The Darling Blue Dog smiling as he says, "I Can Fly".

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