Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Women's Museum, sculptures in the garden during the State Fair

Kronda, from Green Meadows Landscaping has the gardens in front of the

got together and
Women's Museum. I went to meet Kronda there today. Rebecca suggested my pieces in Kronda's garden because during the Fair and I think a while after the museum features Girls That Rock Music Festival.

Kronda was asking me about the guitar/keyboard totem footprint in the garden, because she and her crew were ready to plant. I suggested I go get the totem and install so they could plant around it. OK. Brought my camera, but it stayed in my pocket. Then she showed me where she's going to put the guitar/keyboard sculpture. Right in front of the fountain in front of the museum.

Thank you, Rebecca, for thinking of my pieces for the front of the museum. Thank you, Kronda, for taking Rebecca up on her suggestion.

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