Sunday, June 20, 2010

Missed the grand prize

Check out the Dybala family and friends party last night:

Juli sent us a message today, "Bob Number 5" the pigeon won the race last night. My Bob bet on him and his name was drawn. Would you believe you had to be there to win? Of course, we had to leave early because of my extreme fear of dusk mosquito attacks to my person.

I sprayed half a bottle of Deep Woods OFF, was wearing my OFF fan and treating what bites I had with Campo phinique (sp). Not only do the mosquitoes love me more at dusk, but in the last few years I've turned an unsightly shade of green from so much OFF spray and dusk seems to make me greener, not in a pretty way.

Juli said the prize was a t-shirt and pigeon poop. The last time Bob had pigeon poop a pigeon dive bombed him at The Statue of Liberty when we were waiting in line to get in. I'm thinking of designing and sewing an outfit like a beekeeper's so Bob and I don't have to leave when the little kids are asked to go inside.

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