Sunday, February 1, 2009

HeART AND SOUL a the Bath House Cultural Center

The Creative Art Center is putting on HeART AND SOUL at the Bath House Cultural Center. Cynthia has two pieces and my chair made the cut. I hope you'll try to attend the show. The reception is this coming Saturday, February 7th at 7:00 pm. I've entered pieces in the Bath House shows a couples of times and been rejected. The last rejection was OK only because the Hot Flash Art Girls luncheon was a few days later and all of us were rejected. Misery does love company.

Now I'm bending hardward cloth to make an armatour for a Japanese Kimono for Jay's show at the Museum of Cultures. I'm going to ask Cynthia for some bamboo, which is all over her property, to use for the kimono's stand. I'll get a picture today so I can show work in progress. You can always tell when I'm making something with hardware cloth. My hands look like 6 little kittens used them for scratching posts.

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