Friday, August 14, 2009

It’s happened again. You dropped your cell phone in the toilet. Optimistic person that you are, you run down to the phone store. The store greeter puts you on her list, offers you a seat and you open your copy of “Gone With The Wind”. Days later as you read “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a d*&^m”, someone taps you on the shoulder. A twelve year old says, “I’m Mike, your service agent representative waiter steward phone clerk.”

Mikey takes you to the counter. He looks up your account. Your contract won’t come due until 2209. All the $49.00 cell phones will cost you $4,900.00 unless you want to wait until your contract is up.

The solution? Friday Plant Of The Week.

Grow your own cell phone!

You have a basketful of old cell phones you kept “in case?”. Take them to your garden. Dig a hole 8” by 18”. Place old cell phones in the hole. I prefer a fan shape, do you really think it matters? Cover with compost (furminator compost, of course), garden soil and mulch. Fertilize with power cords. Don’t water! Your phone still reeks from the toilet.

Open your copy of War and Peace and start reading, this could take a while.

Internationally renown artist Delbert Beckham calls cell phone gardening “Lottie Logic”. Delbert gardens in metal, welding fields of beautiful flowers. Check out Delbert’s website and visit his latest inspiration the State Fair of Texas will feature in the park’s sculpture garden.

Happy Cell Phone Gardening!

For more “Lottie Logic” gardening tips:

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