Saturday, February 27, 2010


I stopped in the Rockin'Artists' studio Thursday night to see the big panel Lynn, Sissy and Mandi are doing for The House of Blues. It's pretty special. Here's an update straight from Cissy's email:

we are excited to announce that we both have pieces that were selected for the Texas Visual Arts Association Juried Show At the Plaza of Americas Gallery

Show Dates are March 1st - March 31st. Reception and awards ceremony is March 6th, 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Also, coming up is the unveiling of a permanent installation on a collaborative project at the House of Blues, Dallas location. More info to follow--should be late March.


Корниенко Вадим said...

Госпожа, Lottie Minick!
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balloona said...
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